Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Port of Swords is Raising Its' Swords

The Port of Swords has issued a call! The citizens say they are tired of living in fear of monsters across the river and the lack of trade emptying their pockets. Captain Englebart of the Sea Giant had this statement to make:

"We'll have no more of being broke and eating notin' but the fish we be findin here, all the while starin' at the source of the strife. While we ships be normally gamefull opposition in business, it's time to aim our cannons together. We're prepin' our ships to launch offensive on the city of Vecna, and we be inviting all able bodied and willing warriors to join our vessels to take our stand ONCE AND FER ALL!"

Englebart estimates it will take about three weeks to fully arm the ships, as they are expecting some type of retaliation from Vecna, though there is no comment as to what kind. He has asked that all volunteers show up as soon as possible, but all will fit in somehow. Ignalpha's speed, Captain.

Posted Sol'miint 1, 1036 A.E.