Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DM Notice

New website updates for those who didn't know.

  • Interactive Ign'nikhu world map
  • A detailed FU Point guide
  • Interactive calendar (downloadable blank calender still available)
  • details on skills are being added
So, yeah, go check it out, and tell me whatcha think in the comments section.  Don't forget to mention what you think would make a handy addition.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

DM Notice

This notice is really just for those who don't know about the official Rin'nikhu website by now.  The address is There's lots of features, including the PC locator, and plenty more on the way. Go... NOW... Check it OUT!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

DM Notice

There is officially a calendar system in place in Rin'nikhu.  The upcoming Rin'nikhu website will detail it, but I'll put it simply so you can understand date stamping your posts.

There are five days in a week (I'm going to edit previous posts accordingly), and they are, in order, Lundis, Ardis, Khandis, Rhandis, Drakhondis.

The months are based on the lunar cycle.  The moon completes a cycle in 20 days in the world of Ign'nikhu.  Therefor, the first week of the month is the week of the full moon, the second is the waning gibbous, the third is the new moon, and the fourth is the waxing gibbous.

There are 12 months in the year, named after the 10 great ancient adventurers who also created the calendar, as well as two of the greater deities.  They are, in order: Krahn, Igrit, Almit, Reshira, Rin, Sehkran, Sol, Nintahn, Quahn, Drakhan, Probeta, and Erupsi.  The months are spoken of using the ancient language as a way of differentiating when one is speaking of the historical adventurer or the month.

For example, when referring to the ancient adventurer named Rin, one would simply say "Rin".  When speaking of the Month of Rin, most say "Rin'miint" (Pronounced Rehn-mE-Ent).  Saying "the month of Rin" is considered ignorant, and only goes spoken without correction by less intelligent races, such as orcs or goblins.

(NOTE:  This language style is also evident in the names of some regions, like "Rin'nikhu," which translates from the ancient language to "The Land of Rin", referring to the area once explored and ruled by Rin)

Currently, most players have just started in on Sol'miint.  I'm going to try to edit and update old posts to have date stamps to help with accidental metagaming.  Check with me during your next session to confirm your date.  Those who don't play often will be asked how I can NPC their characters up to date.

Thanks everyone.  Happy gaming.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Port of Swords is Raising Its' Swords

The Port of Swords has issued a call! The citizens say they are tired of living in fear of monsters across the river and the lack of trade emptying their pockets. Captain Englebart of the Sea Giant had this statement to make:

"We'll have no more of being broke and eating notin' but the fish we be findin here, all the while starin' at the source of the strife. While we ships be normally gamefull opposition in business, it's time to aim our cannons together. We're prepin' our ships to launch offensive on the city of Vecna, and we be inviting all able bodied and willing warriors to join our vessels to take our stand ONCE AND FER ALL!"

Englebart estimates it will take about three weeks to fully arm the ships, as they are expecting some type of retaliation from Vecna, though there is no comment as to what kind. He has asked that all volunteers show up as soon as possible, but all will fit in somehow. Ignalpha's speed, Captain.

Posted Sol'miint 1, 1036 A.E.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hossel to Dragoness,

Have arrived in Melniora Minor with the majority of the party. Quest produced no casualites however the focus, unobtained. Severe problem with new threat in Melniora. Traveling to Githsala next. Traveling back to Diamond City as soon as possible.

Hossel to Followers

Anxious to hear about progress. Will arrive soon to assist. Making friends in travels. Have new things to share. Prepare for new idea's and new threats always. A prosporous future could very well be in sight.

Hossel to Vert

Feel free to contact sister in Melniora Minor. Will tell her of your presence. Feel free to join us later. Heading North.

Posted Sehkran 19, 1036 A.E.

Monday, June 14, 2010

DM Notice

Welcome to the Rin'nikhu message board! This is how this works: The post here work like message on a message board in the middle of each town. The RNS (Rin'nikhu News Society) has just started this trend, and they post to the board in various towns, causing the stories to magically appear in all other towns with a board. Notices are marked with a pushpin, the color of which determines what kind of story it is. There are 3 different kinds of notices. Red - Social Events and News. Blue - DM notices. Purple - Adventurer Needed Notice (ANN, includes wanted adds).

For those of you completely lost as to what I'm talking about, I'll explain. I'm running a game of Dungeons and Dragons for many people in several states accross a vast region I've designed called "Rin'nikhu" (rĭn-nē-koo). This message board is the simplist way for me to keep in touch with them all and be able to keep them up on current events, as well as knowing whether or not they are in the limelight. The fun of this is that no one knows who is who, and so by meeting more people, they better their chances of meeting other players. Not to mention that some Players are good, while others are evil, so while some form alliances, others form deep rivalries. Sound interesting? leave a comment on a post and I'll try and get in touch with you to help get you involved. Gamers of all levels are participating, so don't be afraid. See you in game!